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i see dead people.......really

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Grandy Girl!!!!

She is isane!! her hobbies include knocking you down and dragging you off!!!

my baby

Lola bear!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

been a long while

But I am back. I survived spring break. And i have much wisdom to leave with you all. First, Forest fires prevent bears. that is important and we all need to remember it.second, the number 1 rule of a revolution..... don't get caught. Paul revere was a tattletale. Love thy neighbor, just don't get caught.There is no problem so big that it can't be run away from.start your day with a smile and get it over with. and to help in these hard times , earn extra cash in your spare time and blackmail your friends. and Finally If you can keep your head about you when those around you are losing theirs,, maybe you have misunderstood the situation.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to cope with spring break

Hide!!!!!!! that's all i got for you. Hide so the kiddo's can't find you. Don't come out until it is over and they are at school.........

Monday, March 9, 2009

helpful hints from littlegirllost........please don't find me.

Let's get back to my wisdom shall we. First never ever ever get caught up in someone else's DRAMA. Just so you don't here is a line from my favorite song. To much Drama for me mama. The song drama queen, by fab family five.... Great song. I sing this to anyone who tries to pull me in. I also prefer to stay lost. That way if you can't find me you can't mess with me!!!!!!!!Here is a helpful hint to get those pesky teenagers out of bed in the morning, I always say it is either school or JDC you pick, they always choose school. It is funny how they are well all weekend and can go and do but come Monday and OH I am sick. my teenager comes up with some good ones to get out of school. this morning his joints hurt. whatever get up you are going. Another hint on getting them to clean their room, get a trash bag and start filling it, nine times out of ten they get up and start picking up. If they embarrass you in public I always tell them i will be at thier school during thier lunch and embarrass them. That one always scares them.


Finally normal days!!!!!!! I feel like i have spent ages in the middle of war. Now things are back to normal no more DRAMA. Just the everyday stuff like fighting with the kids about going to school. My TV. AHHHHHH, now i can breath.

Friday, March 6, 2009

These people at the hosp. where My son had his first echo are dumbasses. There were three of them in the room and all 3 decided that they saw a hole in my kids heart. I drove 3 hours one way yesterday to a pedi. heart doctor and guess what? NO HOLE. My son is fine he has no hole in his heart. He does have low blood sugar which is what i said along. dumbasses.

Monday, March 2, 2009

wisdom about myself....;..took me long enough

Well I have figured out that I have an addiction. I am addicted to my sister's addiction. Make sense? I have spent years worrying about her and her addictions, trying to fix her making sure she doesn't suffer any of her consquences. I have wasted alot of time living her life instead of my own. as of today, on here i will not mention her again. I have a another blog to deal with my healing. I will try to live my own life and get over hers.

Friday, February 27, 2009

It is feb 27 and Leann has been at Rehab for 4 days. Already she has wrote me wanting money and her coat and stamps and phone cards. I guess i was fooling myself when I thought that it would be different when she left. It is not.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


well my sister has left the building. I took her to jail where she will stay for 7 days then on to rehab for at least 6 months maybe 9. thank God. her little boy is back in st.louis with his dad.
On to different news, My son has been passing out during football. I took him to the dr. and guess what he has a hole in his heart. my two girls also have holes. My 13 year old had open-heart surgery when she was 22 months old and is all better. My 10m year old has two holes and will have it fix soon, I had no idea that my son had one until they did an ECHO on him it is a small one and we don't think that is why he has been passing out. we think that is his blood sugar, but to be on the safe side No sports until he sees the heart doctor. I hope he can still play, he is good, real good. one day he will be in the nfl he is that good. It was also his way to college I will be heart broken if he can't play and so will he. football is about the only thing he loves besides himself/ ha ha ha.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Another day

I am going crazy...........My sister has been here forever now, I hate her i really do. Now she has her 5 year old son here with her in my house. I watch him everyday and he is loud. really loud. she does not a damn thing to help and it is always drama with her.She does not seem to understand that all the bad crap she is going through she caused if she left the drugs alone she would not be having problems right now she is on her way to rehab this month and when she goes I am finished with her. She just won't let me be her friend she tries to make me her momma.
On to happy stuff, Trent has passed his test and is driving me around all the time. He is doing way better than i thought he would.

Monday, January 26, 2009

My baby boy has a permit

Well he passed his test and has his permit. Me and him are now joined at the hip. He drives me everywhere and will until July 23 that's when he gets the real thing. He is doing alot better than i thought. But of course he is driving me crazy with the let's drive stuff. I let him drive to school this morning,that is what i was most afraid of. There are alot of cars, plus it is raining but he did great. Maybe this will not be as hard as i thought.

Friday, January 23, 2009

been awhile

Well,let's see. Leann my sister is going to go to rehab next month. It is court ordered so she has no choice. I am trying to hang in there until then. Wish me luck. For now I am working on teaching my son to drive He is getting his permit. I am scared. And alittle sad, I don't want him to grow up.

Friday, January 9, 2009

i want to scream........loudly

OK so i went to the probation with my crazy ass sister yesterday, looks like she is going to go to rehab!!!!!!!thank the Lord. she goes back on Tuesday and they will let her know. She needs something, she has been staying with me and it is driving me crazy. We all know i love clean, I get off on cleaning. It is my favorite thing to do. My sister, not so much. She picks up nothing ever. My house is trashed and it is her fault. How hard is it to pick up your crap. She has a son, he is 5 right now he is with his daddy in St.Louis. she keeps wanting to bring him here,but deal is she doesn't need him right now. She is going to go away for at least 6 months. She has issues and needs to deal with them first. And She Has NO HOUSE> she is sleeping on my couch where would he sleep?????leave him where he is being taken care of, get your shit together and then maybe. Know what really pisses me off, I have a broke ass knee cap, it hurts, i can't hardly walk and you sleep on my couch, eat, takes showers, and don't bother helping me pick shit up.HELLO, i realize she is an addict and doesn't have the resources to feel for others but come on.Tuesday can't get here fast enough. I have dealt with her crap forever now and i am tired. she treats all this like it is a joke, I mean who autographs thier mug shot and makes copies for everyone at work? I have tired to tell her i was finished with riding her roller coaster life but hell, i can't seem to get off. I don't know how to fix her, and i am tired of trying? Does anyone else know what it is like living with an addict? If so i could use some advice on how to pratice tough love.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Oh My God,really

Today is only the 6th day of 2009. So far Friday night about midnight i fell and broke my knee cap. Saturday morning i get a call my sister has been arrested. She has a pill problem. She is already on felony probation.so who know what will happen maybe prison,I praying for rehab. I spent all day Sunday at the jail waiting for them to release her after we posted bond it took them 7 hours. remember i have a broke knee cap and was not supposed to be walking around but i had too. This morning my kids went back to school and Trent was not happy about it. We had ww3 at the house this morning. of course my sister is staying here because she got kicked out of her house. She went to work this morning but she may be fired. It all went down on her lunch break. she was buying pills from somebody and someone knew and told on her the cops were waiting for her so as soon as she pulled out of the parking lot they got her. If this is any foresight into how my year will go,I am in serious trouble.