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i see dead people.......really

Friday, January 9, 2009

i want to scream........loudly

OK so i went to the probation with my crazy ass sister yesterday, looks like she is going to go to rehab!!!!!!!thank the Lord. she goes back on Tuesday and they will let her know. She needs something, she has been staying with me and it is driving me crazy. We all know i love clean, I get off on cleaning. It is my favorite thing to do. My sister, not so much. She picks up nothing ever. My house is trashed and it is her fault. How hard is it to pick up your crap. She has a son, he is 5 right now he is with his daddy in St.Louis. she keeps wanting to bring him here,but deal is she doesn't need him right now. She is going to go away for at least 6 months. She has issues and needs to deal with them first. And She Has NO HOUSE> she is sleeping on my couch where would he sleep?????leave him where he is being taken care of, get your shit together and then maybe. Know what really pisses me off, I have a broke ass knee cap, it hurts, i can't hardly walk and you sleep on my couch, eat, takes showers, and don't bother helping me pick shit up.HELLO, i realize she is an addict and doesn't have the resources to feel for others but come on.Tuesday can't get here fast enough. I have dealt with her crap forever now and i am tired. she treats all this like it is a joke, I mean who autographs thier mug shot and makes copies for everyone at work? I have tired to tell her i was finished with riding her roller coaster life but hell, i can't seem to get off. I don't know how to fix her, and i am tired of trying? Does anyone else know what it is like living with an addict? If so i could use some advice on how to pratice tough love.

1 comment:

One Voice said...

Have no idea how to help you with this. But I hope she gets the help she needs...maybe they have a support group near you that can give you sone pointers or even the probation officer could...

I do know you can't fix her as you put it. But as long as you are there picking up after her, why should she do it herself? This is going to sound hard and uncaring but I would tell her she has a week in which to improve and start helping around the house or she will be out through the door (and do it). Do you have a shed or garage you can put her in?

I wish you well in your endevours to help her.