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i see dead people.......really

Monday, January 5, 2009

Oh My God,really

Today is only the 6th day of 2009. So far Friday night about midnight i fell and broke my knee cap. Saturday morning i get a call my sister has been arrested. She has a pill problem. She is already on felony probation.so who know what will happen maybe prison,I praying for rehab. I spent all day Sunday at the jail waiting for them to release her after we posted bond it took them 7 hours. remember i have a broke knee cap and was not supposed to be walking around but i had too. This morning my kids went back to school and Trent was not happy about it. We had ww3 at the house this morning. of course my sister is staying here because she got kicked out of her house. She went to work this morning but she may be fired. It all went down on her lunch break. she was buying pills from somebody and someone knew and told on her the cops were waiting for her so as soon as she pulled out of the parking lot they got her. If this is any foresight into how my year will go,I am in serious trouble.

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