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i see dead people.......really

Friday, December 12, 2008

a lesson i just learned

i learned an important lesson about myself just this very minute. i have spent the last two days fighting with a group of old bitter men. and it just dawned on me that i step right into it. i let them get the best of me. i gave away a part of me for thier entertainment purposes. i could and should have ignored the hateful comments that they kept throwing my way.instead i fought back and gave away my power. i did not take the high road and if i would have then they would have had no fuel for thier fire. i also took it personally. with affected my sense of self and of course made them think much higher of thier self. i will never again let some one have that much power over me and my feelings. i will always take the high road.


One Voice said...

Sometimes it's hard not to fight back. We all know the saying about walking away,it's hard on times. But you are right, when you start fighting back you are fanning the flames. Maybe when you see these men again you can just walk past them with a smile and say hello. I have found that stuns a lot of people who would rather argue :-)

littlegirllost said...

kind of like killing them with kindness right.

One Voice said...

Yep that sort of principle lol

How can they fight with someone who says hello smiles and carries on walking.