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i see dead people.......really

Friday, December 12, 2008

for you stal

My new friend has asked me to explain the i see dead people thing.I do really see dead people some i know some i don't. I see my daddy alot walking down the hallway in my house. it was at one time his house. i bought it from the estate. I really don't think it is him, just left over energy if you will. Some of the people i see are really here. Like one man in a house i lived in before. he was do things so you knew he was there. I could see him just like i see alive people none of that misty see through stuff. I have never really been afraid of them just shocked. i don't always know who they are, like the boy who runs through here every now and again. i have seen him go in the kitchen heard him open things. I have never tried to talk to them what would i say, hi. Maybe one day i will. At my old house there was an old lady.she knew i was there and i knew she was there. My son can see them too, but not my girls. I think we could all see them if we kept our minds open. I have no idea who the boy is that walks around here. this house was built by my grandparents,when they died my parents moved in and now i live here. so where he came from i could not say. maybe he needs something from me, maybe he knows i see him, and if i ask what he needs he would tell me. but I'm not at that point yet. my grandma saw them also. when she was in the nursing home my cousin died. we didn't tell her at first yet she saw his ashes. i see them everywhere i could go to your house and see who was still there. the most interesting spirit i see and this one my girls can see is a dog. It runs up and down the hall early in the morning. go figure, i didn't know dogs had spirits. Most people see them in a way but don't realize it. have you ever seen a dark shadow move out of the corner of your eye? i don't think spirits want to hurt us i think when they do stuff they only want you to know that they are there. I look at it like they were just people who were once alive but are not now. they still have the same personality. Like i said i see them clearly like looking at you. sometimes they see me too sometimes they don't.


Stal said...

That is some freaky stuff! You and yours have a great gift. I am one that believes in the paranormal but have never seen anyone that has passed on. I find two things interesting. 1) That you have yet to talk to those you are able to see. 2) That your girls can see the dog but nothing else. I would think that if you can see one spirit, you should see them all. Just observations.....

littlegirllost said...

i don't know about the dog thing. i really think it is energy of my dog now. i know it isn't her but just energy of her. i will try to talk to them one day but what if i open myself up to things like demons if i do. i guess i am scared to.

Stal said...

I think you have more than enough material to have the ghost hunters come in and do a show. I think it would be extremely interesting to see what they find and what you see while they are there filming.

littlegirllost said...
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littlegirllost said...

maybe at my old house not here. here it is just the boy i don't know,my daddy and the ghost dog. at the old house light came on and off,doorknobs turned like someone trying to come in, bangs on the wall when you walked by. i would have thought i was crazy but everyone evenpeople who didn't live there saw or heard things. like my mom's car battery dying everytime she came over. my brohter-in-law hearing someone laughing at him in the bathroom. i knew who it was, a man. the ones here don't mess with you like that i just see them, i would see dead people anywhere, i always do.