About Me
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
been a long while
But I am back. I survived spring break. And i have much wisdom to leave with you all. First, Forest fires prevent bears. that is important and we all need to remember it.second, the number 1 rule of a revolution..... don't get caught. Paul revere was a tattletale. Love thy neighbor, just don't get caught.There is no problem so big that it can't be run away from.start your day with a smile and get it over with. and to help in these hard times , earn extra cash in your spare time and blackmail your friends. and Finally If you can keep your head about you when those around you are losing theirs,, maybe you have misunderstood the situation.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
How to cope with spring break
Hide!!!!!!! that's all i got for you. Hide so the kiddo's can't find you. Don't come out until it is over and they are at school.........
Monday, March 9, 2009
helpful hints from littlegirllost........please don't find me.
Let's get back to my wisdom shall we. First never ever ever get caught up in someone else's DRAMA. Just so you don't here is a line from my favorite song. To much Drama for me mama. The song drama queen, by fab family five.... Great song. I sing this to anyone who tries to pull me in. I also prefer to stay lost. That way if you can't find me you can't mess with me!!!!!!!!Here is a helpful hint to get those pesky teenagers out of bed in the morning, I always say it is either school or JDC you pick, they always choose school. It is funny how they are well all weekend and can go and do but come Monday and OH I am sick. my teenager comes up with some good ones to get out of school. this morning his joints hurt. whatever get up you are going. Another hint on getting them to clean their room, get a trash bag and start filling it, nine times out of ten they get up and start picking up. If they embarrass you in public I always tell them i will be at thier school during thier lunch and embarrass them. That one always scares them.
Finally normal days!!!!!!! I feel like i have spent ages in the middle of war. Now things are back to normal no more DRAMA. Just the everyday stuff like fighting with the kids about going to school. My TV. AHHHHHH, now i can breath.
Friday, March 6, 2009
These people at the hosp. where My son had his first echo are dumbasses. There were three of them in the room and all 3 decided that they saw a hole in my kids heart. I drove 3 hours one way yesterday to a pedi. heart doctor and guess what? NO HOLE. My son is fine he has no hole in his heart. He does have low blood sugar which is what i said along. dumbasses.
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