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i see dead people.......really

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

well well well.

Here it is 1 hour til 2009. what am i doing you ask? well i am blogging and i am a little drunk.i don't drink hardly ever so 3 drinks and here i am. Excuse me if i don't make any sense right now.. i got banned from that one site again. this time until april. ha, i imust be evil.my god it's a sports site.i just can't stop fighting with these two fools on there. I think i'm way smarter than them. that's the problem really. they bash black people, gays, and mexicans. and i hate people like that. i hate them i hate them i hate them. bunch of rednecks fools.

well happy new years......

Monday, December 29, 2008

you tell me

tell me what do you hope to get done in the New Year. i have no plans, i think it sets you up for disappointment. I chose to go at life one day at a time.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

why must you little people fight all the time.

why oh why must you fight.
just go to sleep it is night.
you get on my nerves so very much
shut the hell up or I'll hurt you before lunch.
how many times have i said don't hit
yet you do, get in trouble then throw a fit.
my nerves can't handle all this crap
stop or I'll pack your shit and hand you a map.
you except me to give you all the new things
keep it up you will see what santa brings.

Friday, December 12, 2008

a lesson i just learned

i learned an important lesson about myself just this very minute. i have spent the last two days fighting with a group of old bitter men. and it just dawned on me that i step right into it. i let them get the best of me. i gave away a part of me for thier entertainment purposes. i could and should have ignored the hateful comments that they kept throwing my way.instead i fought back and gave away my power. i did not take the high road and if i would have then they would have had no fuel for thier fire. i also took it personally. with affected my sense of self and of course made them think much higher of thier self. i will never again let some one have that much power over me and my feelings. i will always take the high road.

for you stal

My new friend has asked me to explain the i see dead people thing.I do really see dead people some i know some i don't. I see my daddy alot walking down the hallway in my house. it was at one time his house. i bought it from the estate. I really don't think it is him, just left over energy if you will. Some of the people i see are really here. Like one man in a house i lived in before. he was do things so you knew he was there. I could see him just like i see alive people none of that misty see through stuff. I have never really been afraid of them just shocked. i don't always know who they are, like the boy who runs through here every now and again. i have seen him go in the kitchen heard him open things. I have never tried to talk to them what would i say, hi. Maybe one day i will. At my old house there was an old lady.she knew i was there and i knew she was there. My son can see them too, but not my girls. I think we could all see them if we kept our minds open. I have no idea who the boy is that walks around here. this house was built by my grandparents,when they died my parents moved in and now i live here. so where he came from i could not say. maybe he needs something from me, maybe he knows i see him, and if i ask what he needs he would tell me. but I'm not at that point yet. my grandma saw them also. when she was in the nursing home my cousin died. we didn't tell her at first yet she saw his ashes. i see them everywhere i could go to your house and see who was still there. the most interesting spirit i see and this one my girls can see is a dog. It runs up and down the hall early in the morning. go figure, i didn't know dogs had spirits. Most people see them in a way but don't realize it. have you ever seen a dark shadow move out of the corner of your eye? i don't think spirits want to hurt us i think when they do stuff they only want you to know that they are there. I look at it like they were just people who were once alive but are not now. they still have the same personality. Like i said i see them clearly like looking at you. sometimes they see me too sometimes they don't.


If you find that you have wandered off the path, remember that you never to old to stop turn around and start again.
Also remember that it takes a lifetime to build a reputation and only one minute to destroy it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


The past travels with us and what it has been makes us who we are.

Monday, December 8, 2008

another riddle

Four people are sitting around a campfire after a long day of recreation when one man comments, "Do you realize that around this campfire the four of us include mother, father,sister,brother,son daughter,niece,nephew, aunt, uncle, and a couple of cousins?" if everyone is related by blood(with no unusual marriages) how is this possible? Tell ya later if you don't get it first.

a riddle for you

A man lives in a light house.It is air tight and water proof. He goes to take a bath. When he is running the water a strong wind slams the door shut. It will not open. When he goes to turn off the water the knobs break.He can not turn it off. The room has no windows and only a small vent in the ceiling. Water can not get out or in. How will he keep from drowning as the water rises??


OK now for another one......
A detective goes into a house, there is broken glass and water everywhere no windows are broken. tom and Suzy are on the floor in the water and glass dead. there is no blood or signs of foul play who are tom and Suzy and how did they die?

read in a book

Sunday, December 7, 2008

something i read

Like many people,I am troubled by the part of "Humpty Dumpty" that goes: "All the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again" Why does it mention horses? Does anyone seriously believe that if a bunch of horses saw a giant egg broken into pieces their response would be: "Hey Let's try to reassemble this!" Also in "Cinderella" are we really supposed to believe that the prince_this guy who danced with Cinderella all night and wants to marry her_beleives that the only way he can recognize her is to make her try on a shoe. So,if Cinderella's feet swell up the prince is going to say you look like the woman i love but the shoe never lies.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

one for today to my babies

Don't follow in my footsteps,I walk into walls.